MFI Loan officer training: Risk analysis and Portfolio management

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Language: English
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Assessments: Yes
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Skill level: All levels
Interactive training
Modern training material
Specialized expert trainers
english language
Certified Certificates
Overview: Within the scope of The Informal Livelihoods Advancement Activity (Iqlaa), The Middle East Investment Initiative (MEII), in collaboration with Tanmeyah, are pleased to invite you to the “MFI Loan officer training: Risk analysis and Portfolio management. Main Topic: First …
Within the scope of The Informal Livelihoods Advancement Activity (Iqlaa), The Middle East Investment Initiative (MEII), in collaboration with Tanmeyah, are pleased to invite you to the “MFI Loan officer training: Risk analysis and Portfolio management.
Main Topic:
First day
- Knowledge tour on the concepts and perception of risk.
- The reality of micro and small projects in Jordan.
- The concept of risk management and its types.
- Credit risk and its components.
- The mechanisms used to confront credit risks
Second day
- Introduction to the basics of loan portfolio management.
- Achieving portfolio growth indicators.
- Monitoring the performance of existing financing.
- Corporate identity and quality of communication.
- Performance of the lending portfolio
- Communication skills
- Practical cases:
- Time management and leadership.
- Anger management and work stress.
Target Audience:
Loan officers
The training program was implemented in five governorates: Amman, Irbid, Ajloun, Karak, and Aqaba.