Loan Officer comprehensive Program

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Language: English
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Assessments: Yes
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Skill level: All levels
Interactive training
Modern training material
Specialized expert trainers
english language
Certified Certificates
Overview : Comprehensive Training Program provides a customized training material that matches the required skills for the incumbents of loan officer position. The program aims to qualify loan officers to effectively serve clients, manage loan portfolios, and contribute to the …
Overview :
Comprehensive Training Program provides a customized training material that matches the required skills for the incumbents of loan officer position. The program aims to qualify loan officers to effectively serve clients, manage loan portfolios, and contribute to the financial success of their institutions.
Main Topic:
- introduction to the basics of loan portfolio management.
- Knowledge of creditworthiness and the components of a credit study.
- Elements of responsible financing in credit granting operations.
- Monitoring financing disbursement procedures.
- Monitoring the performance of existing financing.
- Achieving portfolio growth indicators.
- Collection and follow-up procedures.
- Managing and following up on bad debts.
- Risk analysis and its impact on financial institutions.
- Analyzing and measuring indicators to measure the performance of the lending portfolio.
- Communication skills for loan officers
- Time management and work stress
- Definition of the lending portfolio.
- Determine creditworthiness and components of a credit study.
- Identify the elements of responsible financing.
- Applying customer selection procedures.
- Application of tracking and managing bad debts and collection.
- Applying customer classification and follow-up and control mechanisms to achieve performance indicators.
- Knowing and analyzing the risks related to managing the lending portfolio.
- Applying measurement and analysis of lending portfolio performance indicators
Targeted Audience
- Loan Officers & Customer service Offices in Microfinance Institutions
- Credit unions, & other financial institutions Employees who interact with the public to provide financial services