Financing SMES Green Projects in Sustainable Agriculture

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Language: English
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Assessments: Yes
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Skill level: All levels
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english language
Certified Certificates
Overview: This program targets financial institutions managing microfinance to empower them to finance small-scale projects in the sustainable agriculture sector. Participants will be trained on how to finance and promote agricultural projects that contribute to environmental sustainability and food security …
This program targets financial institutions managing microfinance to empower them to finance small-scale projects in the sustainable agriculture sector. Participants will be trained on how to finance and promote agricultural projects that contribute to environmental sustainability and food security
Main Topics
- Concept of Sustainable Agriculture: Understanding principles and practices.
- Green Finance in Agriculture: Leveraging green financing for agricultural sustainability.
- Evaluating Green Agricultural Projects: Tools and methodologies for project assessment.
- Challenges and Solutions in Green Agricultural Finance: Addressing barriers to effective funding.
- Enable participants to understand the role of green finance in supporting sustainable agriculture.
- Learn how to assess green agricultural projects and select suitable ones for financing.
- Provide financial solutions to support the development of sustainable agricultural projects.
Target Audience
- Risk and sustainability managers.
- Professionals involved in developing financial products and services.