Fundamentals of Green Financing and Sustainable Finance

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Language: English
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Assessments: Yes
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Skill level: All levels
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english language
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Overview: This program aims to provide participants with the concepts and tools of green and sustainable finance, focusing on their applications across various sectors, such as renewable energy and sustainable agriculture. The program prepares financial institutions and investors to engage …
This program aims to provide participants with the concepts and tools of green and sustainable finance, focusing on their applications across various sectors, such as renewable energy and sustainable agriculture. The program prepares financial institutions and investors to engage in financing environmentally friendly projects.
Main Topics:
- Introduction to Green Finance: Understanding the fundamentals of green finance.
- Green Finance Tools: Exploring financial instruments like green bonds and green loans.
- Sustainable Finance in Small Projects: Applications of sustainable finance in SMEs.
- Evaluating Environmental and Financial Impact: Methods for assessing the dual impact of supported projects.
- Define the concepts of green and sustainable finance.
- Highlight financial tools used in green finance (e.g., green bonds, green loans).
- Analyze the environmental impact of small-scale projects.
- Explore global trends and best practices in green finance.
Target Audience
- Risk and sustainability managers.
- Professionals involved in developing financial products and services.